Last Saturday the Harding University English and communication departments presented the fourth annual 5 Minute Film Festival, created by Harding alumnus and associate professor Grant Dillion. The festival was well-attended, bringing in students and faculty to enjoy an evening of cinematic creativity. The festival provides an opportunity for those interested in film or with story ideas to come together in what might be considered entertainment its rawest form. There were 19 entries accepted in the festival, including some humorous films, some dramatic films, and a music video.
The categories for the festival include Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Music Video, Best Club Film, and Worst Film. This year’s Best Films were “The President’s Secret” in first place, directed by Jon Scott Smith; “Holmes Chrome Gnomes” in second place, directed by Ross Holmes; and “You Should Come,” a Midnight Madness promotional film in third place, directed by Kalvin Graham.
Best Screenplay was awarded to “The President’s Secret.” Best Club Film category winners included “Songs for the Lonely,” a Regina film directed by David Kimmel, in first place and “Iota Chi Til I Die,” directed by Jared Dryden and Kalvin Graham, in second place. Best Music Video was awarded to “IX (Tatted On My Heart)” also directed by Kalvin Graham. Worst Film was awarded to “Holmes Chrome Gnomes.” After showing the films, audience members were invited to participate in a Q and A session with the creators of the films while ballots were accounted for.
This was my first experience at a film festival, and all in all it was an enjoyable, despite a little, ok a lot, club loyalty exhibited throughout the show. “Holmes Chrome Gnomes” was funny and random and definitely was accurately awarded as both a Worst Film and Best Film category winner. “Holmes Chrome Gnomes” was more exciting than a Magic Bullet commercial. Then again, the Magic Bullet doesn’t have a guest appearance from Dr. Claxton.
Another favorite was James Dobson’s “The Chase” which used impressive camera techniques and had enough action and suspense I was sure Daniel Craig would make a guest appearance at some point. Well, Craig did not make a guest appearance but our beloved statue of Uncle Bud did, who I think we all know is a stand-up addition to any action film. Dillion was pleased with this year’s festival and said that he’s looking forward to feedback and seeing what they can do to make it better next year.