Elizabeth Soisouvanh died on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, near Hartington, Nebraska, in a car accident. Daughter of Ouphavanh and Victor Soisouvanh, Elizabeth was born July 19, 2000. She was 21 years old.
On Wednesday, Feb. 23, the Black Student Association (BSA) hosted a panel after the devotional period of chapel, and sought to have a conversation about allyship. This program was the fourth in a five-part series of chapel programs and devotionals planned by the BSA during Black History Month. During and in the hours following the panel discussion, YikYak posts were made in strong dissent toward many of the statements made by panelists, and the existence of the panel altogether.
ASI goes to Washington, D.C.
Last weekend, the American Studies Institute (ASI) hosted a co-curricular trip to Washington, D.C. The group, which consisted of 20 students from a variety of majors, left Searcy Wednesday afternoon and returned back to campus Sunday night.
Searcy Fire Chief Brian Dunavan said the fire department responded to a 911 call regarding a fire at CJ’s Place apartment complex at 12:30 a.m. last Thursday, Feb. 10. The Daily Citizen reported that all residents safely exited CJ’s Place apartments, located on 1706 E. Moore Ave. However, all 25 families that lived in the apartments have been displaced.
On Tuesday faculty will vote to approve a proposed change to the core University Liberal Arts curriculum. The current Liberal Arts Program is a 53-hour core of classes required of all undergraduate students in order to graduate. The proposal reduces the required minimum liberal arts hours to 47, among other shifts within the makeup of the core curriculum.