What is your binge style? Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime are big competitors fighting to be the top streaming service for citizens across the globe, but what people really want to know is: which is the better deal?
According to Money Crasher, Neflix comes out on top for holding the most content and widest variety. However, Netflix offerings are not as up to date as Hulu’s offerings. Netflix might not have the newest shows, but unlike Hulu, Netflix’s service is uninterrupted by commercials. Amazon prime has no commercials but a much smaller selection.
When asked which streaming service they prefer, most Harding Students said they preferred Netflix. Most students typically use the streaming service that their parents were paying for, but if given the option, they would stick with Netflix. Most people prefer Netflix, because of how they watch it. Netflix has the ability to connect from computer, Wii, Xbox, Playstation Three, Roku, Apple TV and more.
“We rarely watched regular TV, so we canceled our satellite and now we just have Netflix,” junior Xandi Eudaly said.
So it seems that Netflix is the more popular option for its wide variety of shows and movies, no commercials, decent price range and easy access. Netflix is not just a nationwide service but a worldwide. Many countries have Netflix with their own shows, unique to their culture. Keep in mind that internationally, these services differ. If you travel often but also want to stay caught up with your shows, do the research and find out what is offered where you are going.
Finding the top streaming service can be difficult because not everyone wants the same things from their service.
“Weigh your options, give each one a trial spin if necessary, and select the one that best fits your budget, your devices, and your viewing habits,” Jacqueline Curtis of Money Crashers said.
Each service offers a free trial, so go find out what is best for you.