With only one week until finals and this unprecedented semester wrapping up, professors across campus took the time to write a few words of encouragement for students finishing up the year.. It can be hard to finish classes strong from the comfort of a couch, but the Harding faculty wants their students to know they are cheering them on all the way through. Here are uplifting words from teachers to help students keep up their hard work.
“Aristotle tells us that …‘excellence is never an accident.’ It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution. It is my prayer that you finish your semester strong and with great success that reflects your strong intentions! I hope you know that Mama B/Mrs. B loves you and is always ‘here’ to help you in any way. Enjoy your summer.” – Lisa Bryant, assistant professor of education.
“Take advantage of this newly found time to make the most of it. Get up early, eat a good breakfast, get some exercise and look for ways to be a blessing to yourself, your family and your friends. Spend some time meditating, reading and writing. Spend some time with God. Don’t look back on this historic period of time in your life and regret that you just wasted the opportunities before you.” – Steve Shaner, assistant professor of communication.
“Marilynne Robinson has this beautiful quote in her novel ‘Gilead’ that applies: ‘There is more beauty than our eyes can bear, precious things have been put into our hands, and to do nothing to honor them is to do great harm.’ We all may be wishing this semester over, but learning is a sacred thing. Never take it for granted — even at the end.” – Amy Qualls, assistant professor of English.
“Of course I miss seeing students face to face, but in some ways, this whole ordeal has brought us closer together. I have received more texts and emails than I have ever gotten from students in the past. I think everyone wants to stay connected, and it will be that much more special when we do get to all be together again in the same place.” – David Robison, events specialist/audio works.
“I am so proud of the diligence that you all have shown. I know it has not been easy, but we have come together and worked through the uncertainty. I have loved seeing your faces on Zoom. Thank you for trusting us and each other as we finish up. You are better because of this challenge. We are almost there. The end is in sight. Let’s finish strong together.” – Amy Adair, associate professor of college education.
“To adapt a few quotes from Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’ every time you, dear student, submit an assignment, finish an exam or complete a course, remember that you are ‘disdaining social distance with your brandished pen’ and ‘daring to do all that becomes a scholar.’” – Russell Keck, assistant professor of English.
“We live in faith, not fear. Know you are loved — by your teachers, your friends, your family and most of all by God.” – Dottie Frye, assistant professor of theatre, director of Pied Pipers / Spring Sing.