Written by Mac Sandlin “The earth is mostly just a boneyard. But pretty in the sunlight.” That isn’t the best quote from Larry McMurtry’s 1986 Pulitzer Prize winning novel, “Lonesome…
Intro to Christian journalism
Tell the Story
Jubilee: a season of celebration
A letter to the Harding community
Racism has always been a part of the Harding story. From the time that it began as a senior college in 1924 to the present day, ideas of racial intolerance and prejudice have always existed within our community. This legacy of racism is not just a part of the story of Harding; but also of Searcy, of Arkansas, of the American South, of the greater United States, of Western civilization, of the entire world. While racism may look different in different places, racial bigotry has plagued human history for as long as there have been racially diverse populations sharing a common space.
POV: You’re at ‘Hamilton’
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway-hit musical “Hamilton” debuted seven years ago, becoming internationally known and winning 11 Tony Awards in 2016. So when the musical came to the Robinson Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, Feb. 8-20, I did not throw away my shot.