The law is a noble profession. When the law is practiced ethically and with prudence, lawyers can use their positions as the glue that holds our society together. Lawyers can…
The House of Representatives voted to defund the Affordable Care Act last week. On Sept. 20, a sudden surge in political pressure from Republicans nationwide gained enough House votes to…
America’s involvement in Syria is still yet to be decided. On Sept. 10, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to the United States Senate, again making a case for military…
American intelligence recently reported the use of chemical weapons in Syria by President Bashar al-Assad. On Aug. 26, Secretary of State John Kerry called it “inexcusable” and “undeniable.” Shortly thereafter,…
Kentucky republican Sen. Rand Paul recently spoke to students of Howard University and told them that he wanted a government that left Americans alone. Later, during a question and answer…
I must profess that I was unsure of what to expect from the “2016: Obama’s America” movie. I had heard that it was “disturbing, but deceitful” from the political left…