Written by Jame Richard Harper Jr.
This world is not my home, but I plan on doing more than just “pass through.” God speaks to us and shows Himself to us every day, and if we attempt to listen and find Him, the things we will hear and see will be more beautiful than any physical or material thing we could ever see or hear in this world.
The days of my past have helped me be prepared for the days of my present and future. I look back and see the hand of God shaping me, His Son loving me, and the Holy Spirit gathering within me.
I have a fun phrase I enjoy saying that is, “I am planning on planning.” I say this when I don’t really have any plans at all and am trying to approach a situation with an open mind. The point is that when we invest too greatly into a future that we believe is certain, when it actually isn’t, our minds become like a stain glass window; to us it is beautiful and exciting, but when change comes along and throws brick through our stain glass window of reality, it all comes crashing down around us in a terrifying display of tragedy.
But if we recognize our plans as the weak and brittle and see God’s plan as our own, our minds become strong yet malleable, soft yet tough. We can roll with the punches that Lucifer sends our way. We can stop worrying about the mundane aspects of ours and others’ lives and focus on what is important — God.
It is simple. God loves us no matter what. Jesus Christ died for our sins. Jesus Christ, as a man, conquered death and rose from the grave. If we call ourselves Christians, we must live as He lived. No longer will we ask ourselves, “What Would Jesus Do?” Instead we will ask “What Did Jesus Do?” and we will do it. We will serve as He served; we will love as He loved; we will teach as He taught; we will speak as He spoke; and we will live as He lived.
There is something bigger going on around us, something that we cannot comprehend. Once we accept our own weakness and embrace the infinite power of God, the possibilities are beyond imaging.