I do not know about you, but Spring Break is the highlight of my spring semester. It is a whole week off from assignments and quizzes and a break from those annoying people who sit behind you in class. Who would not love that?
The only problem with spring break is the expense. I would love to take my week and spend it on a cruise in the Bahamas, but I can’t afford that and neither can the average college student. That does not mean there are not more options though. There are plenty of things to do on spring break that are “college wallet” friendly.
Just because a trip to the Bahamas is not an option does not mean the beach has to be completely cut out. Take a road trip with friends so you can all split gas, cruise down to Florida and stay at a hotel. Now you may be thinking “hotels are not cheap on the beach.” No they’re not cheap on the beach, but they are cheap a few miles away from it. Having to drive five miles to catch some rays on the sand could save you $150, and I would say that is worth it. Just get up early to find a good parking spot, and when you are ready to leave just pack up and go.
If you plan on eating out for every meal, plan on spending a ton of money. There are other options. Go to the store and get some sandwich meat and bread and you’ll be golden for the week. That way you can feel free to splurge for one or two meals rather than trying to find the cheapest thing on the menu. That little tip applies to all of the Spring Break options.
For some people, not going shopping at least once during Spring Break is absolutely not an option. Keep in mind that shopping does not have to mean going to the most expensive mall and only buying from Polo or Coach. There are many other options. Just listen to the song “Thrift Shop” and be inspired. If you really look, there are some great buys at a thrift store and there are definitely low prices. There is no shame in that.
Maybe you want to do something outdoorsy but the beach is not your thing. Take a camping trip. I do not mean go rent a RV, but actually camping. Borrow a tent from someone you know and drive to a camp ground. There are some places that have community showers and bathrooms on the grounds, so that would not be a concern. Or maybe you want a week off from good hygiene, and that is fine too. All I ask is that you please shower before chapel Monday morning. Fees vary from one camping ground to another, but are generally pretty low and affordable.
If the great outdoors isn’t your thing, a good old fashioned road trip is always a great option. Sit down with four of your closest friends (emphasis on closest because you’ll be stuck in a car together for a week) and map out a route you would like to take. An important thing to remember in the mapping out process is to stay the night in towns where you know people. If you can go the whole week just driving around and hopping out when there happens to be something you want to see, while not spending a penny on a hotel, you are doing it right. Gas would be the only issue, but split between five people it really would not be too bad.
You may be a homebody or even these options still sound too expensive. You are not out of options just yet. Go to the library and check out all those books you have been dying to read but have not had time for. Go to Red Box and rent every single movie they have. Borrow all five seasons of Friday Night Lights from your roommate, and then lay on the couch and do not move for the rest of the week. The only expense there is Red Box, and if you only keep them for one night it is only $1.29. I think most of us can afford that.
Whatever you choose to do on Spring Break, just remember it does not have to cost an arm and a leg, and it can still be fun. This time is all about being cheap and making lasting memories.