Written by Amanda Toye
Fashion at Harding is what many students use to express themselves. With diverse cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs and personal interests, the fashion at Harding presents many different looks.
The fads recently have been Adidas Sambas, the color red, cardigans, denim, camouflage (both pants, shirts and jackets), wide-leg pants and overalls. In winter fashion, there have been long colorful scarves, western-style jean jackets, knit sweaters, cargo pants, Blundstone boots, trench coats and chunky jewelry. Between the style differences of men and women, students have been finding new ways to express themselves through their clothing.
Harding has witnessed several cultural shifts, many of which influenced fashion. There has been a long-standing conversation about what is appropriate for students to wear on campus. Together, students and faculty have worked hard to find a compromise on what is deemed acceptable. Now, according to the handbook, students can wear shorts that are mid-thigh length or longer, shirts with straps that are at least three fingers width and loungewear as they please.