Written by Helen Strickland// Photo by Abigail Callicoat
Women for Harding distributed Valentine’s-Day-themed Bison Boxes to students this month. Anyone wishing to encourage a student on campus can register to have Bison Boxes sent to someone. Senior Korban Butler spoke of the benefits that Bison Boxes can provide to students.
“It is a great way for parents or people that care about students to show appreciation for them,” Butler said. “They can have them gifted to the students to give them a little bit of encouragement throughout the semester.”
The Valentine’s Day boxes contained items for both entertainment and productivity such as candy, macaroni and cheese, a notebook, and a coupon for a free Nooma class. Women for Harding distributed 230 Valentine’s Day Bison Boxes in February.
Women for Harding provides scholarships to both male and female students who serve the Harding and Searcy communities. Sophomore and Women for Harding member Helina Butler spoke highly of the opportunities to serve that the organization provides.
“In my opinion, it’s not [just] for a requirement,” Butler said. “It’s almost out of gratitude…It’s time to get together and do something for people.”
Senior Brett Bell discussed the deeper purpose of his Women for Harding scholarship.
“It’s great for scholarship, but I think the most important thing is that you’re helping other people in the community, not just taking the money,” Bell said.
Bison Boxes are distributed at various celebratory or stressful points in the year. Women for Harding plans to distribute boxes for March Madness this semester, and they also distribute them during midterms and finals weeks. Women for Harding passed out Bison Boxes during events special to the Harding community such as Founders Day and the 2024 eclipse.
Bison Boxes can also be assembled without gluten or nuts.
Butler explained what assembling and distributing Bison Boxes means to her.
“I like people’s smiles when they come up [to get a box] because it’s like getting a box from the post office from somebody that you love,” Butler said.
Bell also spoke of his involvement in Women for Harding and its benefits.
“I think it’s a good way to [get] involve[d] with the community with Harding,” Bell said. Bell shared that part of his job when distributing boxes is “being a greeter there” and “trying to help somebody if their day is going bad.”
One Bison Box is $40, a semester-long Bison Box sponsorship is $110 and a year-long sponsorship is $215. Students may apply annually to the Women for Harding scholarship.