Written by Helen Strickland// Photo by Briley Kemper
Britney Finley and Cindi Ingram, both Harding faculty members, are in the process of creating a home for at-risk young women aged 18-24. The home, called Rachel’s House, will be able to house five women and their children. The house will have programs and mentorship opportunities for the women.
The idea for Rachel’s House originated with the associate professor of kinesiology and director of the Healthy Eating Active Living program Britney Finley. She is the executive director of Rachel’s House.
“Rachel’s House started as a God-sized dream over two years ago,” Finley said. “We envision Rachel’s House being a home to young women that will provide security, rest and growth to help them break generational chains of poverty, abuse or family addiction.”
Co-founder and vice president of Rachel’s House and director of operations for advancement Cindi Ingram emphasized the independence Rachel’s House seeks to give young women.
“What the home will provide is a safe place where they have their own room,” Ingram said. “They can lock the door. That’s important because young women that come from foster care situations might have never had their own space, and so providing that is going to be really important.”
Ingram also noted the house would offer life skills training that focuses on financial planning, budgeting, taking care of a home and cooking.
Guests at Rachel’s House will be provided weekly counseling with a certified counselor. They will have three mentors at various stages of life who will help guide the women.
Rachel’s House will also seek to give educational opportunities to its guests. Women can attend college or trade school while living at the home.
Program coordinator Lindsey Goudeau spoke highly of her experience working with Rachel’s House.
“The opportunity to work at Rachel’s House came at the perfect time in my life,” Goudeau said. “The Holy Spirit has orchestrated this ministry and the way that each person has been called to serve in it. Every success is absolutely due to the Lord. I love that I get to play a small part of that.”
While Rachel’s House is readying the home for its guests, they have partnered with various classes at Harding, including a marketing class. This class is in the process of creating a marketing plan. Students have also been given opportunities to volunteer at the home to do general maintenance work.
Per the Rachel’s House website, their mission statement is: “We exist to empower and equip young women with comprehensive support to create generational change.”
Finley spoke of what Rachel’s House means to her and to her faith as a Christian.
“For me, it’s the heart of God,” Finley said. “Watching Him create this home has been an incredible adventure, and this is only the beginning. To Him be all glory forever as He takes care of His beloved sons and daughters.” . Donations to Rachel’s House can be made on their website rachelshouse.net.