Written by Julia Jenkins
Harding is known for its close-knit community. This is typically due to students finding creative ways to spend time together in a slower-paced town. One way students get involved on campus is by joining various clubs and activities, one of which is the Board Game Nights club. The club, formed in the fall of 2023, has been a quick way for many students to find community with those who share a common interest.
“It’s definitely super casual. It’s basically just a whole bunch of people who like playing games with friends,” freshman Elijah Hawk said.
Hawk has been involved in the Board Game Nights club since the fall semester and has enjoyed getting to know other students who share his love of board games. He said that his favorite part about the club was its variety
“You’ll never show up and have the same people, the same games being played, or the same experience,” Hawk said. “It’s always new. There’s always something different to try. You didn’t enjoy the last game last time? Well, pick a different game this time. You can pretty much show up and leave at any point while they’re there and there’s pretty much always a game for you.”
Sophomore Elijah Seright has been a member since it formed and described the inspiration behind starting it.
“Well, we just wanted to make a place where people could get together and network with people of similar interests,” Seright said. And really it’s just another social event, another way to hang out with folks,”
The Board Game Nights club meets every Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. in Mabee 111. The club has a collection of board games, but students are encouraged to bring their games as well. Hawk and Seright explained how any student interested in getting involved is welcome to join.
“One thing they can do is they can join our Discord or GroupMe. In addition, if they want to become a member and get involved in the actual administration of the club, they can pay $8 and that’s full membership.”
Their main goal is to get the word out.
“We want to make sure that anybody who’s interested but can’t find a group or can’t find friends who are interested can find us,” Seright said.
Anyone who loves playing games, meeting new people and taking much-needed breaks from school work is encouraged to take part in the Board Game Nights club.