Many Harding students have joined in on the fad of posting pictures to Instagram according to the hashtag of the day. To most people, that is an excuse to post pictures of their boyfriend, pictures of themselves as children and highly unattractive pictures of their best friends.
To start the week off, there is #SelfieSunday. This has to be the most annoying day of them all. No one (and I mean no one) wants to see a picture you have taken of yourself sitting in your car making a pouty face. I cannot think of a worse, more embarrassing thing to post.
#ManCrushMonday is a day on Instagram that allows girls in a relationship to post the most deceitfully attractive picture of their boyfriend they can find on their phone. Girls post it with a caption that says something like “love this boy.” That is completely fine, if you do it once. Every Monday is a little excessive and even more excessive is when five pictures in a row are posted like this. It is completely unnecessary and really no one but you and your boyfriend think it’s all that cute. Then there are the single girls who post pictures of their celebrity crush. This one is only slightly more acceptable in my eyes.
When #TransformationTuesday rolls around, be prepared to see the cutest baby picture someone can find matched up with the cutest current picture someone can find. Some of them are cute, but the concept of the day is a little annoying. No one is surprised at all that you’ve transformed in the past 15 years of your life. There have been a few very humorous posts related to this day such as one that had a picture of a cell matched up with a current picture. That was clever.
Then comes #WomanCrushWednesday. This seems to be the universal “find the ugliest, most embarrassing picture you can find of your best friend and post it” day. A lot of times these posts are funny but can be taken too far. Other people find pictures of their favorite female celebrity and dream of either dating her or looking like her one day.
#ThrowbackThursday is basically the same concept as #TransformationTuesday. The only difference is that the old picture isn’t matched up with a current. The throwback is usually also of a group of friends from a few years ago or, depending on the time of year, something that goes along with the current holiday, Spring Sing or club week.
The last one of the week is #FlashbackFriday. It does not seem like quite as many people use this one unless they missed their throwback from Thursday. It is literally the exact same thing.
Participating in the hashtag of the day is not always annoying to all of your followers, but it definitely can be. If you ever find yourself posting more than one a day, your followers are annoyed, trust me. When considering whether or not to post, keep this little list of guidelines in the back of your mind. One: never, never, never post a selfie. Two: steer away from constantly posting pictures of your significant other. Three: an unattractive post of your friend is funny but not when you do it every week. Four: captions that are a paragraph long will never actually be read. Finally: the more humorous the post, the more people will actually like it.