Written by Carly Kester
I’m sure, without a doubt, that everyone has something to say aboutLady GaGa. She is best known for her catchy (if not sometimes annoying) songs, and her outrageous fashion sense. Yes, we’ve all thought it: “That Lady GaGa chick is insane.”
I’ll admit that when I heard her first hit, “Just Dance,” I felt no inclination to take the advice of said song, much less explore the rest of her album. Much to my dismay, however, after hearing “Poker Face” on the radio and listening to it (against my will, mind you) being blasted through friends’ speakers, it began to grow on me. After a while I even found myself singing along to the lyrics. Blasphemy!
As much as I tried to deny it, my infatuation with the crazy woman on the television screen wearing crazy make-up and what looked like a space suit kept growing. Yes, she does have extremely odd fashion sense, and yes, most, if not all, of her songs have some sexual reference, but I can’t help but get sucked into how different she is from every other artist currently taking up space on the TV.
One thought that has crossed my mind lately is, “I wonder what a conversation with her would be like? There’s no way I would walk away from it unscarred.” Then I came across aninterviewshe did for theEllen DeGeneres Show, and I was stunned to find out that she could carry on a normal conversation and take Ellen’s jabs at her fashion sense and laugh. I was also surprised to find out the reason why she puts on such an image. “I want to create a space for my fans where they can feel free…because I didn’t fit in in high school and I felt like a freak.”
Needless to say, my respect for Lady GaGa went up after hearing this. I applaud her for wanting to make outcasts feel like they can be who they really are because, let’s face it people, we’ve all felt like outcasts at some point in our lives.
I say all that to say this: don’t judge a book by its cover. It may look freakish and downright scary on the outside, but the story inside could be full of warmth and compassion. Props to you, Lady GaGa.