Written by James Taylor
Finding a place to park at Harding University is no easy task. Why should we have to pay for the inconvenience?
Answer: We shouldn’t.
Let’s face it: The classes at the University are over-priced. Aramark’s food is certainly over-priced. When divided out, you pay approximately eight dollars to eat in the caf. After eating a roll in the caf, I once heard a student say, “Roll’s have two jobs in life. Be fluffy. Be soft… These aren’t either.”
Virtually all the prices on items that you can buy with your DCB are jacked up 10 to 20 percent from what you would pay for them anywhere else. That being said, at least we do have the option of driving down Race Street to a Taco Bell where a dollar menu exists. The University, on the other hand, monopolizes parking.
My father works at an office. He is expected to be there each day. He does not pay to park there. Imagine Michael Jordan leaving practice at the United Center, and coming back to a ticketed Aston Martin… Yeah right. That just doesn’t happen in the real world.
I understand the need to register our vehicles, but payment should not be required. Also, 25 dollar parking tickets might be a bit excessive. After all, we are college students- ten dollars should convey the message adequately.
My last complaint is this: If we are going to be ‘taxed’ so heavily to park, without representation, then we SURE ought to have enough spaces! Personally, I am about ready to dump Aramark tea into the seemingly always vacant red spaces I dare not park in, even when almost late for a class due to insufficient parking.
To help fix Harding parking, join the facebook group and make a reccomendation by clickinghere.