Written by Jarrett Qualls
Club week is a time where potential club members prove they are tough enough to belong in a club. It is used as bonding experience that brings the new “pledge class” together as a team or a family. When the week concludes the club comes together as one and they enjoy their newfound family. However while this week is beneficial for the ones that get in the club, it tends to be a nuisance to the people not wanting to be a part of club week.
Club week makes it nearly impossible for anyone on campus to get through the student center. It is full of “pledges” standing around, trying to get signatures, and doing annoying stunts that club members insist that everyone in the student center stop what they are doing to watch. As someone not in a club, I do not care about why or what you are doing, I would just like to be able to go to my box or get food without having to crowd surf to get their. I feel like club week is an intrusion on the rest of us students campus. Senior Hayden Young says, “I am not a violent person, but during club week all the people in the way in the student center, I want to hit with my umbrella.”
As a member of the Harding campus, I understand that clubs are a big part of some student’s college experience. I just wish they would take into consideration the people who do not want to be apart of the experience.
Another annoyance of club week is all the “pledges” complaining about how hard they have it, or how they have not slept much. Sophomore Robert Dennis says, “I wish people would stop complaining about club week. It is a part of joining the club. You know it is going to happen when you decide to join, so just suck it up. You asked for it.”
I think that club week is a great thing for people who want to have the club experience. I just feel that for all of us who are not apart of club week however, we tend to be overlooked as members of the Harding campus. I feel like there could be some good compromises for space considerations so that those not in a club, do not have to deal with an over crowded student center and enjoy the campus as well.