Fulfilling the Law: The Supreme Commandment (Romans 13:8-10) Speaker Bill Davis 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Being Content with Our Own stuff (Exodus 20:15-17) Speaker Karl McLarty 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Protecting the Integrity of Marriage (Exodus 20:14) Speaker Tony Cloud 10/2/2018 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Restaining the Murderer in Me (Exodus 20:13) Speaker Jerry Jones 10/2/18 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Honoring Our Parents, Claiming the Promise (Exodus 20:12) Speaker Andrew Phillips 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Taking Time to be Holy: The Sabbath Principle (Exodus 20:8-11) Speaker Walt Leaver 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Reverencing the Lord our God (Exodus 20:1-7) Speaker Mike Tune 9/30/2018 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest