2015 HU Bible Lectureship “Secrets of Handling Worldly Wealth: The Parable of the Shrewd Manager” presented by Monte Cox 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2015 Harding University Bible Lectureship Good News Singers Concert 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2015 HU Bible Lectureship “The Treasure and The Pearl: Secrets of Kingdom Joy” presented by Clay Smith 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2015 HU Bible Lectureship “The Parable of Weeds: Secrets of God’s Judgement” presented by Dr. Steve Cloer 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2015 HU Bible Lectureship “The Parable of The Sower: Secrets of The Kingdom” presented by Randy Harris 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2014 Harding University Bible Lectureship “Return to Joy” presented by B. Chris Simpson 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2014 Harding University Bible Lectureship “Return to the Power of Preaching” presented by William Bower 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2014 Harding University Bible Lectureship “Return to the Word” presented by David Young 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2014 Harding University Bible Lectureship “Remember..The Story of God’s Hand in History” presented by Julie Harris, Lori Klein, and Kim Laing 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
2014 Harding University Bible Lectureship “Return to Leadership” presented by Jim Martin 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest